Somewhere in the corridors of my memory, there was a pivotal moment that planted the seed of a lifelong passion: a simple yet profound gift from my father on my 13th birthday. It was a disposable camera; an unassuming piece of plastic that held the power to unlock a world of wonders. Little did I know that it would mark the start of my journey into the realm of image-making.

My story

It was that quiet click of the shutter.

There was something so enchanting about the sound, which to me echoed the act of freezing time! With each click, a fleeting moment was captured in my frame. Armed with my newfound companion, I began to see the world through the lens of curiosity and wonder. More than just taking pictures, I realized that I had embarked on a journey of visual storytelling – honing the art of seeing, and exploring the poetry that was hidden in the mundane.

As the years unfolded, so did my love for the craft. The disposable camera was a humble beginning, a prelude to the more sophisticated tools that would come to define my artistic expression. Yet, no matter the advancements in technology, the heart of my passion remained rooted in that initial fascination with the shutter’s melody; a reminder of the simplicity that sparked my love of photography.

Photo by dear friend @Kat

This portfolio – my collection of stolen moments and captured emotions – is also the evolution of a 13-year-old dreamer to the photographer I am today.

If these captured memories resonate with you, or if you would like to book a personal session or discuss the possibilities of a collaboration,  don’t hesitate to get in touch.